Consciousness expansion and a better world.
We build or back initiatives exploring humanity’s future through applications on expanded states of consciousness.
A space for ancestral practitioners and modern scientists to lead high-impact initiatives on relevant problems for society, in cooperation with world-class mentors at their service.
Created in Peru, we are an open source incubator for consciousness technologies. We fuel the genesis and growth of transformative initiatives in the fields of consciousness and post-materialist science, impacting multiple sectors from health to personal development and beyond.
Ancestral Practitioners
We’re supporting traditional and indigenous founders leading innovative initiatives in the Amazon.
An experimental design on remote healing.
Ronald Rivera
Director at Ayahuasca Sabiduría - Ucayali, Peru
A place where modern and ancestral science unite.
Walter Lopez (Panshin Nima)
President at the Shipibo-Konibo Ancestral Healers Association - Ucayali, Peru
Want to help or get support?
Give support:
Help as a mentor: Indigenous or traditional founders can use the help of experts willing to support them with know-how and connections in a conscious and respectful way with their practices and autonomy.
Help as a bridge: If you’re connected to indigenous healers, you can help them apply, ensure fair and professional conditions for them, and may continue supporting them during their execution.
Help as a funder: Help funding initiatives.
Get support as a founder: If you’re not a traditional or indigenous founder and have a project in a related field, apply and be backed by ancestral practitioners as spiritual mentors and access to our top expert network to create a high-impact conscious organization.
What are consciousness technologies?
Some examples:
The spiritual dimension in health: The relevance of spiritual components in ancestral healing techniques. Applications might help explore new diagnostics and delivery mechanisms for holistic health.
Ego dissolution and collective consciousness: That sense of being everyone and that everything is connected. Applications might help in fostering care, compassion and equality in society.
Music: Shipibo healers are known to sing “icaros” in Ayahuasca ceremonies to access the spirit world and invoke healing power, diagnostics or treatment instructions. Applications might help in incorporating music as a healing mechanism.
Psi phenomena: Studies indicate we can receive information without the use of ordinary senses and transcending habitual space and time constraints, that we can mentally influence—at a distance—physical devices and living organisms, and that distant minds may behave in nonlocally correlated ways (unmediated, unmitigated, and immediate).
“The most advanced planetary civilizations may have discovered that development of their species was not about conquering outer space, but rather inner space, and sacred plants from the Amazon may hold an answer.”
- “Why have we never seen aliens? Ayahuasca and a conscious civilization, by Álvaro Zárate, Co founder at Endocosmic
Let’s write a new story
“One reason why the change isn't happening already it is simply the habits of the old story, the habits of separation, the habits of control that live on in subtle ways. (…) Move past that barrier, then we get into the realm of healing.”
Charles Eisenstein -Advisor at Endocosmic
Charles is a philosopher and author focusing on themes of human culture and consciousness. He is the author of books as Sacred Economics and The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible.

Contact us.
Thanks for coming by! If you’re a professional who would like to collaborate to the cause in other ways, contact co founder Alvaro Zarate:
alvaro@microhuasca.com or Whatsapp (+51988082145)